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How to keep your linens in great shape

Le Blanc Linen Wash is offered in all the desirable fragrances when it comes to laundry.  The new one is Evergreen Woods. It does fragrance the linens to this Evergreen like being outside or having a fresh cut tree in the house.  You will be amazed at thow this can be. To get the year round Fragrance in a bottle is a good thing.

Besides the Le Blanc products which are in liquid form we say try your best (non bleach) detergent to rid the perfect linens of unwanted stains.  Some have their own detergent that can be used to keep the Linens fresh.  Another best seller on our website to consider is the SDH Laundry Wash all organic and non fragranced. This detergent will be your go to for all your fine washables.  Read the label for care then get the SDH in the right dosage to treat all your fine washables.

Trending back to excercise clothes is the Silk and Longerie Wash by Le Blanc. There is also a Towel wash, Linen Spray, and Fabric Spray starch.  You will love doing laundry and invite the group over to enjoy the fragrance or the non fragrance and maybe to help with the ironing (if you chose to do this too).  A win win in any event using the prescribed Detergent and the mild temps in water and in dryer.  You won't go wrong.  Important is always read your label for each product to be sure you are approaching it the correct procedure.  

With a New Year's resolution comes the resolve of bettering something. Laundry is a good place to start! Then you can get more of those Italian lux Bed sheets and French delights in Table.  I imagine the lovely things that would be added daily with the fear of laundry at bay.  Even our washable silks by SDH (SDH wash for sure) can be purchased and enjoyed with ease.  Don't hesitate to ask us on some of these lovely Linens.
           Washable SIlk Pillows, These were washed 3 times and still look amazing. Silk Wash (Le Blanc)
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