Beauville France offers the best selections for traditional floral patterns in linens such as coated Placemats, Tablecloths, Napkins, and accessories such as Trays. The florals are vibrant and realistic in nature to present a pretty table setting for your table. Coated Placemats are nice for that setting where spills are inevitable. See all the Beauville selections for your next floral table linens purchase. We have some great patterns here to see, you will fall in love for them. Winter time or Spring time, Beauville is supreme floral table linens Read more
Working with a luxury linen store, we get pretty much all sorts of questions regarding the mechanics of a Bed. Mostly, the chore is to find the best bed sheets for the best cost to affordability. This has been a major hurdle for most who regard bed linens as ordinary. Read more
In the beginning, there was not a luxury sheet classified from "Thread Count" yet the people enjoyed lovely bed sheets of soft durable and breathable cotton. Cotton was the fabric of our lives, as the saying goes. Cotton was the "it" fiber for bedding to be the next step up from a synthetic or even a linen bed sheet. Well, as times changed to include "Thread Count" so did we in thinking the highest number thread count must be the best sheet. Read more
Linen Glass towels are the best for keeping lint free drinking glasses. Sometimes embarrassing little tiny specs of lint can be spotted on a water glass, a high ball glass, or a vase even. Linen glass towels can help solve this problem Read more
Now that you have decided to add Monograms to your linen thoughts cross your mind as to whether to use the First, Middle or Last initial or maybe all 3. Here is a quick guide to help the decision making process, of course, since Monograms are personal the choice is totally up to you! Read more
SDH was established to provide the USA and other Countries with elegant fabrics that are safe for the environment. Most have heard of organic or made naturally etc but this company is the one to consider when purchasing. SDH maintains the highest level of imported Bed Linens even through our most trying economic times. Some other products you may be familiar with are The Purists and Legna. Legna is a trademark of SDH linens for the Eucalptus wood fiber Bed linens and Bath linens and Robes Read more
Ever just say, I am going shopping for bed linens. Do you think about what bed sheet is best for me to feel comfortable? Do you bring paint chips, carpet samples, or drapery fabrics to the store when choosing bedding? Well, these are all things to consider when you are in the market for a nice set of bed sheets. More important, bed linens are what makes us sleep a little bit better so it makes sense to really explore the options. Read more
Preview the Spring 2025 new LJF Table Linens, Kitchen Linens and Bath linens online. WE will show the Bed linens soon as well. Read more