Le Jacquard Francais French designer of Finest quality Jacquard woven Table Linens is having a sale 20% off on all their retail priced items. Shop now until May 6th to save for your next purchases of French Table Linens. Some new ideas can be the best when shopping and purchasing during a sale event. For instance, the Coated Cotton versions of the Tablecloths and Placemats have proven to be best sellers over time. Some like to just purchase those coated easy care no laundry collections to keep their time free to spend it on other things. Of course there is nothing better than a French Jacquard Linen Tablecloth and Napkins set. Some Linen ideas: Tivoli solid colors.
Happy Shopping:
Nature Urbaine in blue or green has proven to be a best choice for Summer months.

Provence in blue , also available in Beige. Best seller over the years.

Linen Tablecloths in Souveraine, Venezia, and many more on sale.
Our overall best seller: Spring 2024 pick, Escapade Tropicale in 3 choices of blue, orange, green.
Be sure to see them all and choose 1 or 2 or 3, we have a special added gift to those over $1,000.00
in purchases automatically.
thank you for shopping, We hope you enjoy our selections. Feel free to email us any suggestions: